Spotting Scopes

angled or straight spotting scope

Straight vs Angled Spotting Scope: A Beginners Guide

The ongoing debate between straight vs angled spotting scope has erupted confusion in the consumers’ mind. Whether you should take assistance from straight spotting scope or should you go for an angled spotting scope. Here is a quick answer that illustrates when to use straight spotting scope vs an angled spotting scope. It isn’t one…

Military spotting scopes

What Spotting Scopes Does the Military Use & Can You Use Too?

Although, abound of spotting scopes are available on the market, however, there aren’t many spotting scopes that meet the need for military use, since military (because of their job nature) requires robust, high power, and shockproof spotting scopes. At this point, you may wonder what spotting scope the military use. And here is my answer,…

spotting scopes vs telescopes for astronomy

Can You Use a Spotting Scope for Astronomy? 4 Myths Debunked

Your head might have taken spin to hear about a link between spotting scope and astronomy. Honestly speaking, all our lives we have been associating telescopes with astronomy. So, where the heck these spotting scopes come from for this purpose? Well, I will discuss it in in-depth whether you can use a spotting scope for…

how to carry spotting scope when backpacking

How to Carry Spotting Scope Like a Pro

Carrying a heavy spotting scope all the time when in a field is a hectic job. You get a hand and shoulders fatigue. And even may not enjoy your hunting or birding expedition to your best. I understand your pain. I have been there. That’s why I am here to answer your query “how to…

spotting scope tripods

Are Spotting Scope Tripods Universal or Do I Need a New One?

Are spotting scope tripods universal? If that’s your query, you are exactly in the right place. Since there are uncountable tripods on the market, it becomes tough to say if these spotting scope tripods are universal? And if they are, which one is the best one? The answer to your question solely depends on the…